Matt's Life Rollercoaster

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Stuff, the last NEO update.

Hey, yes I did manage a update!!! Woot!

Okay, so I almost got my butt kicked off of Idol Nation, which would have been sucky cause I like posting there. And then on the other end of the spectrum, I got made a moderator at LTAD. Me. A. Moderator. Yes!

If I didn't write this, I got Tony Hawk's American Wastelnad for X-Mas. I rented it once before because I wanted to see what this whole "No Loading Times" deal was all about. Anyway, I finally beat it. I haven't got all the pieces yet, but the one in Beverly Hills is INSANE!! I can't push X that hard. Robb works for Activision and there was this thread about it, and he put "I love it when you guys talk about my companies games". I forgot he worked there. I had to do a whole big section over again when my PS2 froze. I was so frustrated when I won the AMJam but then the Santa Monica punks stole my shirt and I couldn't get it back. I didn't like that you had to play until East L.A. before you got it back.

So on New Years Eve, the computer had a meltdown (a.k.a Y2K6) and we had to format it/start over.

I for one was actually finding some really good things. Whatever Uncle did to make it harder to get music was gone, so as a result, I found like a whole bunch of Live 8 MP3's I had been looking for. Also, BitTorrent was able to do more then three downloads. I was about to throw all that away though, when it came to my iPod.

I thought that I lost every song I had purchased, but when I went to re-install it, I found the iPod Control folder and got to copy all the songs on the nano back into iTunes. So I only lost whatever wasn't on the nano.

I did however lose some important things like pictures of various things from the internet, pictures of my ride in the smart car, my Melissa video, my Thanksgiving video (but I think I can get those back), me on TV, All of my Idol videos, pictures from that day @ the airport, and all those cracked games. There is more but I don't like that.

It also gave me the new editions of stuff like Skype. It's a improvement.

Alright, so we're not too far away from Still Most Wanted Tour 2006.

See, I'm listening to Music by Madonna from Live 8 London which I couldn't get before.

SMWT 2006 is less then a day away. I had to sleep in the PS2 room last night, because we couldn't unlock the door to my room. *Matt yells "THIS IS WHY WE DON'T LOCK THE DOORS*. It was hell. I had a slush which Shawn spilled. *bashes head on wall*.

Let's DO THIS!!! Hil forever!!! I want to bring a camera. Really, really bad. Did I already mention we might have seen Hilary's bus? I think when we go if we see it, and it turns out to be the same one I will scream!

Matt's Dumb sloganesque thingys for SMTW 2006:
Party Up for SMWT!!!
Cause other concerts are So Yesterday.
Fly to the SMWT!
Why Not come see Hilary in concert?
Hilary is a Supergirl, Live Tonight!

It was great, I'm once again writing down the paper copy so you will eventually see the long version.

girlcanrock actually has videos of it!!! Oh that is so good!

Those slogans are actually pretty good. The So Yesterday one is tops!

I'm going to try and fix the iPod shuffle for Chantal to have as sort of a late B-Day present.

I watched some of Herbie: Fully Loaded with Lindsay Lohan before bed tonight. (Yes, Lindsay Lohan but I was decked out in my Hilary Duff stuff). For some reason I'm now going "Punchbuggy" in a insane baby voice. *rolls eyes* This is your brain. This is your brain on Lindsay Lohan... "That is a fetch punch-buggy that you must have traded with your parent that you switched bodies with after meeting your twin at summer camp. You drama queen". Any other Lindsay Lohan movies? Nope. HA HA HA HAH! That's funny.

After a pretty crappy week, I'm actually feeling happy.

Scratch that, I'm insanely bored. The cottage has gone crazy.

And I'm currently outside freezing my butt off in the name of independence. Woot.

I'm loving the fact that I'm one of the few who gets the privledge of having access to such glorious media provided by the Idol god ZlatkoT. It's cool to be the one who can spread the word about other Idol shows. I can only understand Canadian, American, Australian, Pop, and Idols (South Africa). (Oh, Singapore!). But still, I watched DSDS 3 and SuperStar 3, cause bad is bad and good is good right? Or wait, am watching.

Election Eve: I might get to go to the Conservative/Stephen Harper rally tomorrow night. I'm so surprised about being like phoned and stuff for it because I'm 16 and I mean it would be a bunch of adults right? The guy who I talked to at the campaign office was extremely nice on the phone. He was like "Oh, were the phone calls bugging you" and he was going to make exceptions if I only decided on Monday if I was going or not. I really hope I go. When I heard about the phone calls, I kinda felt proud because they wanted me, a 16 year old, to come to this gathering. Everyone makes a big fuss about that it is so good of me to align myself and be active with this, but I'm like "Whatever, I support him... How is that any differant then the other people who have signs or volunteer"?

But holy crap, enough of that. Yes, I do want to go, and yes I think Stephen Harper is going to be the Prime Minister of Canada, but onward and upward.

Well, it was kind of a boring weekend. I did a bunch of stuff but it was still sort of boring.

I tried to watch the whole Roughnecks V.S. Rush game but, I just got bored. The whole energy wasn't there. Maybe it was cause we were playing the Rush, and they're new, but I mean at the end of the half it was something like 6-2 or 4-4. It was a low scoring game. There was only a few hard hits, and just words being exchanged.

ELECTION 2006: Oh my God!!! We did it! A Conservative minority. At the start of writing we have 121 104 50 31 and 1 (Con, Lib, Bloc, NDP, and Independent which will be the order whenever I talk numbers). Stronach won again. That's wrong. I'm trying to see the numbers for Calgary Southwest. Global stopped doing numbers. LOL, there are some teenagers at the rally. Let's see.. not much to say. Oooh, Jean LaPierre just won. Bleh. The Health Minister did too. Wow, good job Rob Anders pulling out Calgary West.

31,000 some votes compared to Mike Swanson's 5 thousand, with Heffernan not in sight.

This is awesome! B.C votes up 4.1%. But they lost 5? Huh? I guess it is the NDP. 26,000+ for Mel's guy, over the NDPer John Chan's once again 4,000 or so.

Vancouver Centre still hasn't elected someone. And the theft Svend Robinson is in there.

The numbers seem to be stuck at 125,101,50,31,and 1.

I read the platform today, and it made me strengthen mu bonds.

Oh yay, Belinda's going to make a speech. Yawn. DEFECTOR!!! YOU TRAITOR! What, going to announce your defection to the Conservatives? She's still hot though. What?!!?!? She is also stinkin' rich. Thanks to the Liberals of course. There's her single Mom crap. Thanks for cutting away. Oh, spoke too soon. She thanked Martin. Her office is 400 Industrial Parkway South, Aurora. OH, YOU DID NOT JUST MENTION HARPER and what? He has your support on some issues? Trust me, he doesn't want it. At the end of her speech she should peel off the sign on her podium and stick a Conservative one on it. Blah,blah,blah... why the hell are you still talking about Stephen? You left. SHUT IT!!! Nobody bloody cares about your priorites.

Martin was playing cards and everyone is making fun of it. Montreal and Toronto gave us no seats.

Anne McClellan is like about to cry. She almost lost time too. She's not giving up. But she's right, it isn't over. She is close in that votes too.

Uh, did the former PQ guy just say "Crapping the Kyoto"?

Sorry, this is like really hard to compute information in the short time I get it.

I forget how many you need for a majority. Oliva Chow won her riding. She's Layton's wife. That's cool.

Minister of Agriculture defeated by woah! 21 votes. Guess that is a recount. Stephen gets to be PM! That means I meant a PM! Holy crap. I'm going to take a wiild guess and say he isn't going to be at Stampede breakfast this year. Vancouver Centre is still close.

123,104,50,30,1. Yes, it appears I am randomly addinng numbers.

She has a sign person beside her and she took a stab at Make Poverty History.

Former (Hee,hee) Prime Minister Martin might be coming on soon.

Jim got 28,291, 19,522 for Deepak, 23,555 for Art, 30,268 for Diane, 33,419 for Jason, 32,032 for Stephen with 72%, Rob got 17,824. 65% of the popular vote in Calgary was Conservative. Those numbers weren't final.

I'm really tired of typing. LOL. Belinda got 24,024 votes. STOP SHOWING HER! ... Oh damn, I thought she was going to make a unofficial bid for the leadership there. I'm bored.`

Martin's office is 1275 Dollard St. Montreal. Oh boy here we go. Martin's speech.

Gilles Duceppe arrived in his HQ at the same time.

We've almost had all of our polling stations report. 8 more to go. 247/259 for Mel's.

Martin is so freakin' convaluted. 125, 102, 51, 29, and 1.
Hmm... Belinda's probably jumping off the walls.

225/229. I won't do more numbers for S.W. until all polling stations. Mr.Martin, LOL.

The final was 41,549 to 6,573 in our riding. Heffernan got 4,628 and the others got 4,686.

Svend is at 1763 Comox St. Vancouver.

NDP is at 132 Queen's Quay E. Toronto.

30,161 was how many Mel's guy is up to now.

Jack Layton is going to speak soon. I'm signing off for now. The numbers sit at Conservative: 124. Liberal: 103. Bloc: 51. NDP: 29. Independent: 1. And.. A C7ONSERVATIVE MINORITY!!

Sorry, it was alot of weird stuff to process in a short time that it was displayed on the screen.

Fiasco Gelato is gone. I don't know what happened. When I went to go get some, we turned the corner and it just wasn't there. I hate that. Bummer.

Alright, I have the newspaper handy from election night so, let's see some finals.

In the riding of Calgary Southwest:
Stephen J. Harper (CON): 41,549
Mike Swanson (Liberal): 6,573
Holly Heffernan (NDP): 4,628 (She had a rough last week, someone in her family died :-( )
Kim Warnke (Green): 4,407
Larry R. Heather (Christian Heritage Party): 579

I have a comment about the last two. I actually just remembered seeing a Green Party sign near our house, but this farce of these stupid parties like the Marxist-Leninist Party, and the Action Party have got to stop. I think the Green Party is fighting so hard and falling flat on their faces every election but then you have people like the Communist Party come in and think they have a chance.

Melissa O'Neil and Rex Goudie are going to be here on their Let It Go tour. (At least they don't have the words "Most" and "Wanted" in the title).

It's hard enough for the Liberals and the NDP to get a seat in Alberta, so why even try when you're the Marijuana Party? Vote Communist... Sending Canada back 100 years.

Anyway, Stephen obviously had a lock on it, Alberta & he is the leader. I like him being our MP but then I don't. Now that he is PM, what is he going to do for Calgary Southwest residents?

The biggest fighter for some reason was... Stephen Harper. Out of everywhere I went the only person who came within some range of Harper was Lee Richardson.

But if I had to pick someone else, other then the incumbent. It depends, from the cottage, I saw lots of Mike Swanson signs, but at home NDP and Green were close but the NDP gets a bonus point for leaving a leaflet in the door, which was stupid cause I had the sign with me. :-).

Ahem, now on to Calgary Centre-North...
Jim Prentice (Conservative): 31,048
John Chan (NDP): 9,298
Matthew Moody (Liberal): 7,628
Mark MacGillivray (Green): 6,573
Michael Falconar (Independant): 383
Doug Dokis (First Peoples National Party): 246
Margaret Peggy Askin (Marxist-Leninist): 196
James S. Kohut (Canadian Action Party): 168

Boy, did the fakey parties go bananas here. I can see the point of being independant but not the others. John Chan from what I saw, fought a hard battle in the riding. But then again, Jim had Mel. :-D.

Okay, I want to give all the campaign offices of all (four) parties a round of applause. I went to my intake meeting at my new school, and I saw... not a single sign. Overnight, they vanished. I did see three today though. But wow! It usually takes forever. If I see a Liberal one around, I'm going to nick it. Or maybe a Holly one for Dad cause he likes her name.

Hardcore weekend of Chinese mall, VMK, lacrosse and catching up on American idol...

Friday was boring cause Chantal left for a sleepover, but I did get to watch the Calgary Roughnecks play the Arizona Sting online. I paid $6 and it wasn't like the Rush game. It was really good. We ended up losing in OT, but I missed the final goal cause the computer disconnected.

I did alot of Virtual Magic Kingdom this weekend, which means I am getting back into VMK.


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