Update Part Deux!!!
Here comes the second part from my AlphaSmart...
(Wait 4ever...)
Wait... I had a birthday before that.
On Thursday, we had cake and presents at the cottage, I got We Love Katamari and The Hobbit for PS2. Warren gave me The Hobbit so that was nice.
Friday, I went home and tried to Skype the people at the podcast but I couldn't get through.
I did however decide to find some more contacts and I added people from all over. Here's the countries and what happened.
China: I talked to a guy from Lanzou and he wanted me to teach him English. I agreed and he is incredibly thankful. He tells me quite often that his English is poor, so I type most of what I say because he has some program on his computer that says the word when he clicks on it. He asked me how to get to Canada and I said a plane but he doesn't have much money cause he repairs BMW's and Toyota's.
Sweden: This was by far my favorite because Chantal and I pretty much giggled our way through the conversation. We said something about loving IKEA and they said "We love Mats Sundin" and "We love Toronto". I was like "No, Toronto is evil". We started talking about weather and I said "It snows in July, do we win" and they were like "Yeah, you win". I ended up saying something like "It's my b-day over there" and they proceeded to sing the Swedish version of Happy Birthday which is about 2 minutes long and ends with: something (insert name here) hip hip hooray! They were having a party and I said something about Daniel Lindstrom and they thought that I was so funny. I asked them about Hilary Duff and they said they didn't know her. I ended up playing some Melissa O'Neil for them and they liked her. They asked if I recommended any song by Hilary and I said "Wake Up is new". Well, sure enough I hear it in the background. Oh, so much fun.
Japan: I talked to a very quiet lady named Mikko from Tokyo. She was very nice and answered all my questions about Japan and her daughter likes Simple Plan and Avril Lavigne. LOL :-D.
Korea, South (Skype doesn't work miracles): I talked to two people at the same time because they are friends. I got halfway through the conversation and I found out that they were blind. They are really kind and try to understand me.
Poland: I used IM with some people from Poland and one of them hated Alicja.
Denmark: This girl was really nice and we just talked.
Nigeria: I swear, this guy wanted a job from me, He was like I hope to get a IT job in Toronto or Quebec or something.
Ukraine/Russia: Only for a short while, and nothing much happened.
So, I finally went to sleep and then it was my birthday! Yeah! Nothing much happened until we were going to leave for Japanese Village.
I went downstairs and then I opened presents. The first thing I opened was the Canadian Idol 3 CD "High Notes" and a pack of Lindor chocolates. I picked up the next one and figured it out right away because it had the same shape, I finally got "Alive"! *Matt sings... "Oh, I feel Alive"*. So much for it being sold out and all of that nonsense. My next present was a 32MB memory card for my PS2, which is really cool because it is like 4 normal memory cards in one. But, I think it makes saving take a little bit longer.
I'm going to type what my games take up in memory:
We Love Katamari: 88 KB
The Hobbit: 374 KB
DDRMAX2: At least 100 KB.
Duel Masters: 130 KB
American Idol: 150 KB
Ace Combat 04: 75 KB
Shrek 2: 65 KB
Midnight Club 2: 53 KB
And now back to the birthday... My next present was Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2! I've wanted it since it came out so I was really happy. My other presents were a TV antenna and these glass popcorn bowls.
So then we went to Japanese Village. I finally got a seat in a different spot, because the last two years we went we got the same teppanyaki table.
We were sitting with two other people and this couple came and they sat down. It was really weird because while the guy was in the bathroom, the waitress came to take her drink order and the girl said "I'll wait until my partner comes back". The waitress was getting really confused. Well, the guy comes back and they start talking and then they get up and leave. Then, another guy and a girl come and sit down. I was so confused.
Unfortuntaly our chef was not that funny. He didn't do many jokes and he was quite boring. He was only funny when we pulled out the camera. Although he did do this really funny thing when I saw the wasabi.
Matthew: Wasabi!
Chef: Yes. You see, wasabi is like your Mom, so hot!
So your mom is the wasabi of the family.
He was weird though... I'm not making this up but here is one of the exchanges.
Chef: (stops cooking and looks at me) Do you know how many Disneyland's there are around the world?
Me: (looking at Mom, Dad, and Chantal) Your asking me this question?
I had steak as usual, and then it was time for the annual... "Off-key Japanese chefs singing" part of my birthday. So, we all know what happens here. * Matt and Chantal smile at camera while in funny costume, get up and do Happy Dance *. Then some of the people at our table had cake.
We left afterwards and while walking back to the car, I saw a smart.
We then drove to Fiasco Gelato, and I had a large gelato with Fiasco Heaven, Chocolate, and Oreo. There was this guy yelling in front of the store so I was scared.
When we were driving back to the house, We were listening to VIBE House Party.
For Thanksgiving... We went to Nana & Dido's house and I got more presents. I got a gift card for Chapters and a Cranium Booster Box.
I'm stopping it here because this is incredibly long.
"Teppanyaki,Thanksgiving, and Terrible Lines" (My 2nd movie) is avalibile for download via MegaUpload through the link below.
I got interviewed on Let's Talk About Disney Podcast. Check it out at www.letstalkaboutdisney.com . It's podcast 14.
(Holy, I need to put this on the blog)
I also started our new podcast "Matthew & Chantal Podcast".
Matt screws yp majorly and never ever updates it... OMG. This started in Sept and it is November.
Might as well still put stuff down... like I got a iPod nano, I am ticked off at Habbo Hotel UK, Apprentice: Martha Stewart bombed horribly, I'm way behind in my online course, I got Live 8 on DVD and already watched all the main stuff, I got my wisdom teeth pulled out (see http://www.myspace.com/kalancalgary for that fun), The Amazing Race is boring, Melissa's new CD came out, I might meet her on Sunday which is also Grey Cup, I went to another Flames game and got to stay the whole game, kids coming and going at C1, Hilary Duff back again for a third time, Billy might be moving to the same school as me at the same time, saw HP4 at Empire Studio 10, DDR MegaMix moved from Eau Claire to ES10, DDR MegaMix confuses Matthew with it's weird token settings and 4 stages, still hating cottage, S11 is not great either, Medium in 3D was stupid, iPod nano is the best, bought Melissa's CD, missed autograph session, Grey Cup boring (because of missing Melissa).
Chantal and I put the second episode of our podcast. Now, you can get it through iTunes. We had a little volume issue though.
I went on a Wikipedia spree this weekend. I printed the following: Pirates of the Caribbean, Karaoke Revolution, Diamonds from Sierra Leone, WWE SmackDown! v.s. RAW 2006, Royal Canadian Air Farce, Captain Jack Sparrow, 1998 Winter Olympics, California Screamin', Space Mountain, World Heavyweight Championship, Belinda Stronach, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Conservative Party of Canada, Pokemon Yellow, iTunes, KFC, McFlurry, John Cena, WrestleMania X8, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Animal Crossing, Crazy Taxi 3, Crazy Taxi 2, The Haunted Mansion, Pizza Hut, iChat, Crazy Taxi, iPhoto, iDVD, DDREXTREME 2, iMovie, Taco Bell, iLife, and Burger King. I'm sure if you add all the pages up, they total over 100. Oh also I got; WWE Championship, and WWE Women's Championship.
I rented SD V.S. RAW 2006, and it was a major improvement over the last WWE game. The wrestlers look 10 times more real. Season mode so far has been cool with Teddy Long getting hit by a car. I still have to figure out why Cena is on SmakDown in the beginning. When you select him it says RAW.
Decision Canada: I choose the Conservatives to have a majority, cuase it is time for change. Plus I'm probably going to join the CPC Youth. Stephen Harper's campaign office is by Sobey's, which is really easy.
We had our Xmas banquet tonight, and wow did stuff happen. It started out with the feast that Yvonne makes. Joe had made about 1,000 toasts and I thought he would never stop but the food was awesome. It got so extremely loud and then I went up to my room. At 6:30, we came out and sat in the lounge which was really boring until... Rain showed up!!!!!
(Interject... I'm watching Survivor:Guatemala finale for the second time, the reunion just finished on Global, but Jeff is just reading the votes on CBS, bet Danni wins).
Rain showed up... and holy moly. Black as usual. LOL... anyway, he invited me to his 18th birthday. I am so pumped for that. Everybody decided to arrive at once however, including the family, Kerry, Kim and Bob. I was juggling so many people. We had lots of fun, and the food was great. The punch was awesome. Then, the staff sang the "C1 12 Days Of Christmas", which was confusing because we had to practice singing it during multiple programs. Then, I mustered up all my courage and sang "Just Like January" by Melissa O'Neil! YAY! I was so red, and then I forgot the words but I did a good job.
After the entertainment, we just kind of talked and ate until Santa came. WHOO! LOL... anyway, I think I was like the second or third person to get my present. I went up and sat on Santa's knee. He said something about the elves and being enviromentaly friendly. I was like "Does that mean they drive smart cars?". He said "Yes, that's right". Ooookay. So then I got my presents, and sat down and opened them, I think I was distracted by something and then Chantal went soon after so I was sorta half opening them. The first thing I got was the Live 8 Toronto DVD! Wicked... then Chantal opened her present, and she got her Pixel Chix. I then continued, and I got another Live 8 DVD, this time Paris. The last present was Hilary Duff "Most Wanted" the same as Chantal.
Then shortly after, people started leaving, and I said bye to Mom, Dad and Chantal. I got my yellow duotang. Anyway, we gave Candyce her present too, and she really liked it.
Before the banquet, I did some phoning around to figure out where my Conservative sign was. First, I phoned the actual Conservative Party of Canada. For some reason, they could not find it. Well, actually for some reason there was a lot of Matthew Brosseau's. Then she suggested that I phone Stephen Harper's actual campaign office. So I did, and the guy said that he couldn't find it either, so they retook my name and he said that they would do it after Christmas. I thought, "Oh wait, that's for a actual lawn sign" and explained that I wanted a sign for the window. He told me then that I could come to the office and get one, so I asked him where it was, and he said... "Evergreen". I was like "Well, that's good, Where in Evergreen?". He said bu Sobey's and Blockbuster etc. I was surprised I didn't notice it before, then I realized that I hadn't been up there in a while.
So on Friday, I left school and went home like usual, and we stopped. It wasn't in the Sobey's plaza, it was in the one with the Starbucks, and it was on the side of the two floor building. I went in and the first thing I noticed was that there wasn't much to it. There was like maybe 4 or 5 people and then there was paint everywhere and a Conservative thunderstick taped to the wall. I asked for a sign and they had me fill out a form, and then they tried to give me a lawn sign again. I luaghed and said "Uh, I meant a window sign". So then I got my window sign and then left. Then I went to Blockbuster while Chantal & Mom went to Sobeys. I got my game and then decided that I was really thirsty and wanted a pop. I wasn't sure if I had enough money for the game, and I didn't have ID so I was just going to buy the pop. I had to explain this repeadily to the guy and man was it annoying. Blockbuster people are so cold. (Oh wait, maybe it was the same guy both times).
Then, we went home! I for some reason really hate it when Mom makes us go somewhere before home but when I do it, I don't mind.
Anyway, nothing like ever happens because I'm on the computer. But, I did do something nice for Sean, he mentioned that he was wanting to check out the new Coldplay CD "X&Y", so I told him I would burn him a copy. It was a long process, but I got it done except for actually burning it because we don't have anymore CD's.
When I came back on Saturday, I was zapped and I brought my sign with me overnight. When I walked in, we had a long talk about politics. I felt like I was going to melt on the couch after watching "Beyond Dog River: Behind Corner Gas".
Then I went back home on Sunday to watch Survivor: Guatemala. I found this site called mininova. BEST SITE EVER! TV, Movies, Music, Games, Software, and more! All by torrent. I got the episode of The Amazing Race that I missed the last half of. We got Swiss Chalet too, but I thought we should have had it when the actual show was on. Anyway, we watched it, and me and Chantal were rooting Stephanie on, but I knew when the votes were 3-1 for Danni, that it was game over. Danni is a idiot though, they talked about how she knew that Gary was a NFL QB yet she never actually told anyone on the tribe. There was speculation, but never a full reveal. I must admit I laughed my butt off when they were at Tribal Council and Jeff asked about the rain, and they started talking about the chicken. The whole chicken scenario was hilarious. Especially when they were stammering to get it out and Jeff went "You ate the chicken". Duh! Okay, as for Survivor: Panama Exile Island or whatever it's called, NO WAY! No, no, and a million times over NO! Two seasons in Panama is enough!! I understand the point of using it in All Stars, but for a third time is ridiculous. For once, somwhere cold!
Live 8 DVD's:
They were only mentioned quickly before, but I thought I could extend it because I got rid of some of the older stuff. I got the big DVD after I had my wisdom teeth out. I was wanting something to do, and one night I mentioned it to Mom as I was falling asleep. So we went to Southcentre to see these Nightmere Before Christmas stuff, and then we went to HMV. The original idea was to get the Toronto one, but I only saw the 4 disc one. Mom I think wanted to get out of the mall ASAP, so she was like "Just grab it". So, I lucked out. The 4 disc DVD is massive. When you flip it over, it lists about 81 artists. I think I could be the stats guy. It's primary focus is on London and Philadelphia. I only got Tokyo in the extras. But to switch gears for a second, I found one of the missing two DVD's of Live 8. I saw Berlin at HMV in Southcentre. I've phoned a few stores, and I guess Candyce wasn't looking very hard.
As you can see, that last MPH banner screwed up a little. I really wanted to get one that had snapping fingers with it, but something went wrong.
We had a really low key day at school, because Christmas is on Sunday, and we get out @ 12:15 tmw. Yay, I guess. I did some printing today from Wiki, and I got; Virtual Magic Kingdom, MSN Messenger, Trillian, Boeing 787, Google Earth and Google Maps. I swore that I did more but that was it. NEW FEATURE OF BLOG: I'm going to just randomly insert a factoid from the articles I have. Well, it probably won't be very random, I think it will be after every paragraph.
So.. the first fact will be about Animal Crossing for GameCube: (Regarding the Happy Room Academy...) Each gyroid placed in the room will give you 825 points to your HRA score.
When I played Animal Crossing, I thought those things looked like cactuses. They were really stupid, cause you had to keep pushing A all the time. I never stood the whole HRA thing either. I got really low scores, but I had a golf bag at least, and a Mario star I got from the Nintendo website. :-D.
(Since I don't have much to write about, more facts! Maybe if I am really bored, one from each...)
Boeing 787: The 787 production line will be able to finish a aircraft in as little as three days, compared to 11 days for the 737. I thought the 737 would be way quicker, the 787 has 240 seats in two classes, and 296 in a high density coach conifguration. The 737 can't have more seats then that?
Flight Attendant: Some airlines, such as EVA Air, have height requirements for asthetic purposes.
Weren't we suppossed to stop thinking of flight attendants as objects? Hiring them for asthetic purposes defeats that. LOL...
Travel Agency: In the early era of model airplanes, airlines would have large plane models of their companies made and shipped to travel agencies; these plane models are also avalibile to the public; but they are among the highest prized airline collectables.
I don't think so, I think model planes in travel agencies sometimes are weird. Like at Wal-Mart, I saw a Virgin Blue and Ansett Australia one. (Well, not one... they weren't in a duel scheme).
Airbus A380: The A380 will only be able to hold 555 passengers if in a three class configuration, but the number jumps to 800 if you go single economy class configuration. Don't expect to see the 800 passenger configuration, the only airlines that have single classes are low fare carriers, and a low-fare airline buying a A380 is like shooting yourself in the foot.
LOL... Rain just phoned to tell me about his party. Actually, the phone call was mostly hijacked by Brian.C yelling in the background "That's hot". It is on the 4th but other then that, I know nothing. Well, I actually know alot, but nothing more on that topic. LOL.
Trillian (instant messenger): First, before actually starting, I installed this about a week ago, and with Mininova, I got Trillian Pro. It is really cool, you can get Yahoo!, MSN, AIM, and more all in one. I don't have ICQ, Jabber, IRC, but it accepts all of those. And with Pro, you can get Skype.
Actually, forget that. All I want for Christmas is... Tickets to see Melissa in concert. Or Hilary,but Melissa more.
I got tickets to... HILARY!!! Yay me! I love it! No sign of Melissa though. We went to Chinook yesterday (December 27). It was crazyness. Having lunch was a experience. I got yelled at by some Zellers lady for throwing a wrapper out from a gift card that I had taken for my collection. I hate Zellers, they are so rude, and they are just a ghetto Target. Seriously, look at it... Stuff by Duff is where? Zellers in Canada, Target in America. Same with Mossimo. I don't get it. Just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I'm stealing.
I got my MPH bracelet at Ten Thousand Villages, and i also bought a LiveSTRONG one for Aussie at Bulid-A-Bear and a blue one from Claire's that says "Hurricane Relief 2005" but that one is stupid because the letters can rub off.
Currently Wearing (in order as of 2:30ish December 29th): Hurricane Relief 2005, Strength, Anonymous, Faith, Courage, LiveSTRONG, Freedom, Make Poverty History, and then the milk one.
Freaking gardening guy on CBC. Oh, I must put my ferns in a saucer. (Yay, closed captioning saves the day). It's December, and you can't grow anything in December. Oh, but he has a greenhouse. *rolls eyes*.
Why the heck is Air Farce not on on New Year's Eve? That's something that has to happen. I went to IKEA last year though. It made me tired. LOL.
Christmas was cool, I got $20 at iTunes.
LOL... I was watching that thing CBC has on weekdays with some gardener. He's not the greatest.
Seacrest Out!!!
:P Haven't used that in a while...
Matthew Brosseau
Tony Hawk's amJAM Champion in THAW
(Wait 4ever...)
Wait... I had a birthday before that.
On Thursday, we had cake and presents at the cottage, I got We Love Katamari and The Hobbit for PS2. Warren gave me The Hobbit so that was nice.
Friday, I went home and tried to Skype the people at the podcast but I couldn't get through.
I did however decide to find some more contacts and I added people from all over. Here's the countries and what happened.
China: I talked to a guy from Lanzou and he wanted me to teach him English. I agreed and he is incredibly thankful. He tells me quite often that his English is poor, so I type most of what I say because he has some program on his computer that says the word when he clicks on it. He asked me how to get to Canada and I said a plane but he doesn't have much money cause he repairs BMW's and Toyota's.
Sweden: This was by far my favorite because Chantal and I pretty much giggled our way through the conversation. We said something about loving IKEA and they said "We love Mats Sundin" and "We love Toronto". I was like "No, Toronto is evil". We started talking about weather and I said "It snows in July, do we win" and they were like "Yeah, you win". I ended up saying something like "It's my b-day over there" and they proceeded to sing the Swedish version of Happy Birthday which is about 2 minutes long and ends with: something (insert name here) hip hip hooray! They were having a party and I said something about Daniel Lindstrom and they thought that I was so funny. I asked them about Hilary Duff and they said they didn't know her. I ended up playing some Melissa O'Neil for them and they liked her. They asked if I recommended any song by Hilary and I said "Wake Up is new". Well, sure enough I hear it in the background. Oh, so much fun.
Japan: I talked to a very quiet lady named Mikko from Tokyo. She was very nice and answered all my questions about Japan and her daughter likes Simple Plan and Avril Lavigne. LOL :-D.
Korea, South (Skype doesn't work miracles): I talked to two people at the same time because they are friends. I got halfway through the conversation and I found out that they were blind. They are really kind and try to understand me.
Poland: I used IM with some people from Poland and one of them hated Alicja.
Denmark: This girl was really nice and we just talked.
Nigeria: I swear, this guy wanted a job from me, He was like I hope to get a IT job in Toronto or Quebec or something.
Ukraine/Russia: Only for a short while, and nothing much happened.
So, I finally went to sleep and then it was my birthday! Yeah! Nothing much happened until we were going to leave for Japanese Village.
I went downstairs and then I opened presents. The first thing I opened was the Canadian Idol 3 CD "High Notes" and a pack of Lindor chocolates. I picked up the next one and figured it out right away because it had the same shape, I finally got "Alive"! *Matt sings... "Oh, I feel Alive"*. So much for it being sold out and all of that nonsense. My next present was a 32MB memory card for my PS2, which is really cool because it is like 4 normal memory cards in one. But, I think it makes saving take a little bit longer.
I'm going to type what my games take up in memory:
We Love Katamari: 88 KB
The Hobbit: 374 KB
DDRMAX2: At least 100 KB.
Duel Masters: 130 KB
American Idol: 150 KB
Ace Combat 04: 75 KB
Shrek 2: 65 KB
Midnight Club 2: 53 KB
And now back to the birthday... My next present was Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2! I've wanted it since it came out so I was really happy. My other presents were a TV antenna and these glass popcorn bowls.
So then we went to Japanese Village. I finally got a seat in a different spot, because the last two years we went we got the same teppanyaki table.
We were sitting with two other people and this couple came and they sat down. It was really weird because while the guy was in the bathroom, the waitress came to take her drink order and the girl said "I'll wait until my partner comes back". The waitress was getting really confused. Well, the guy comes back and they start talking and then they get up and leave. Then, another guy and a girl come and sit down. I was so confused.
Unfortuntaly our chef was not that funny. He didn't do many jokes and he was quite boring. He was only funny when we pulled out the camera. Although he did do this really funny thing when I saw the wasabi.
Matthew: Wasabi!
Chef: Yes. You see, wasabi is like your Mom, so hot!
So your mom is the wasabi of the family.
He was weird though... I'm not making this up but here is one of the exchanges.
Chef: (stops cooking and looks at me) Do you know how many Disneyland's there are around the world?
Me: (looking at Mom, Dad, and Chantal) Your asking me this question?
I had steak as usual, and then it was time for the annual... "Off-key Japanese chefs singing" part of my birthday. So, we all know what happens here. * Matt and Chantal smile at camera while in funny costume, get up and do Happy Dance *. Then some of the people at our table had cake.
We left afterwards and while walking back to the car, I saw a smart.
We then drove to Fiasco Gelato, and I had a large gelato with Fiasco Heaven, Chocolate, and Oreo. There was this guy yelling in front of the store so I was scared.
When we were driving back to the house, We were listening to VIBE House Party.
For Thanksgiving... We went to Nana & Dido's house and I got more presents. I got a gift card for Chapters and a Cranium Booster Box.
I'm stopping it here because this is incredibly long.
"Teppanyaki,Thanksgiving, and Terrible Lines" (My 2nd movie) is avalibile for download via MegaUpload through the link below.
I got interviewed on Let's Talk About Disney Podcast. Check it out at www.letstalkaboutdisney.com . It's podcast 14.
(Holy, I need to put this on the blog)
I also started our new podcast "Matthew & Chantal Podcast".
Matt screws yp majorly and never ever updates it... OMG. This started in Sept and it is November.
Might as well still put stuff down... like I got a iPod nano, I am ticked off at Habbo Hotel UK, Apprentice: Martha Stewart bombed horribly, I'm way behind in my online course, I got Live 8 on DVD and already watched all the main stuff, I got my wisdom teeth pulled out (see http://www.myspace.com/kalancalgary for that fun), The Amazing Race is boring, Melissa's new CD came out, I might meet her on Sunday which is also Grey Cup, I went to another Flames game and got to stay the whole game, kids coming and going at C1, Hilary Duff back again for a third time, Billy might be moving to the same school as me at the same time, saw HP4 at Empire Studio 10, DDR MegaMix moved from Eau Claire to ES10, DDR MegaMix confuses Matthew with it's weird token settings and 4 stages, still hating cottage, S11 is not great either, Medium in 3D was stupid, iPod nano is the best, bought Melissa's CD, missed autograph session, Grey Cup boring (because of missing Melissa).
Chantal and I put the second episode of our podcast. Now, you can get it through iTunes. We had a little volume issue though.
I went on a Wikipedia spree this weekend. I printed the following: Pirates of the Caribbean, Karaoke Revolution, Diamonds from Sierra Leone, WWE SmackDown! v.s. RAW 2006, Royal Canadian Air Farce, Captain Jack Sparrow, 1998 Winter Olympics, California Screamin', Space Mountain, World Heavyweight Championship, Belinda Stronach, This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Conservative Party of Canada, Pokemon Yellow, iTunes, KFC, McFlurry, John Cena, WrestleMania X8, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Animal Crossing, Crazy Taxi 3, Crazy Taxi 2, The Haunted Mansion, Pizza Hut, iChat, Crazy Taxi, iPhoto, iDVD, DDREXTREME 2, iMovie, Taco Bell, iLife, and Burger King. I'm sure if you add all the pages up, they total over 100. Oh also I got; WWE Championship, and WWE Women's Championship.
I rented SD V.S. RAW 2006, and it was a major improvement over the last WWE game. The wrestlers look 10 times more real. Season mode so far has been cool with Teddy Long getting hit by a car. I still have to figure out why Cena is on SmakDown in the beginning. When you select him it says RAW.
Decision Canada: I choose the Conservatives to have a majority, cuase it is time for change. Plus I'm probably going to join the CPC Youth. Stephen Harper's campaign office is by Sobey's, which is really easy.
We had our Xmas banquet tonight, and wow did stuff happen. It started out with the feast that Yvonne makes. Joe had made about 1,000 toasts and I thought he would never stop but the food was awesome. It got so extremely loud and then I went up to my room. At 6:30, we came out and sat in the lounge which was really boring until... Rain showed up!!!!!
(Interject... I'm watching Survivor:Guatemala finale for the second time, the reunion just finished on Global, but Jeff is just reading the votes on CBS, bet Danni wins).
Rain showed up... and holy moly. Black as usual. LOL... anyway, he invited me to his 18th birthday. I am so pumped for that. Everybody decided to arrive at once however, including the family, Kerry, Kim and Bob. I was juggling so many people. We had lots of fun, and the food was great. The punch was awesome. Then, the staff sang the "C1 12 Days Of Christmas", which was confusing because we had to practice singing it during multiple programs. Then, I mustered up all my courage and sang "Just Like January" by Melissa O'Neil! YAY! I was so red, and then I forgot the words but I did a good job.
After the entertainment, we just kind of talked and ate until Santa came. WHOO! LOL... anyway, I think I was like the second or third person to get my present. I went up and sat on Santa's knee. He said something about the elves and being enviromentaly friendly. I was like "Does that mean they drive smart cars?". He said "Yes, that's right". Ooookay. So then I got my presents, and sat down and opened them, I think I was distracted by something and then Chantal went soon after so I was sorta half opening them. The first thing I got was the Live 8 Toronto DVD! Wicked... then Chantal opened her present, and she got her Pixel Chix. I then continued, and I got another Live 8 DVD, this time Paris. The last present was Hilary Duff "Most Wanted" the same as Chantal.
Then shortly after, people started leaving, and I said bye to Mom, Dad and Chantal. I got my yellow duotang. Anyway, we gave Candyce her present too, and she really liked it.
Before the banquet, I did some phoning around to figure out where my Conservative sign was. First, I phoned the actual Conservative Party of Canada. For some reason, they could not find it. Well, actually for some reason there was a lot of Matthew Brosseau's. Then she suggested that I phone Stephen Harper's actual campaign office. So I did, and the guy said that he couldn't find it either, so they retook my name and he said that they would do it after Christmas. I thought, "Oh wait, that's for a actual lawn sign" and explained that I wanted a sign for the window. He told me then that I could come to the office and get one, so I asked him where it was, and he said... "Evergreen". I was like "Well, that's good, Where in Evergreen?". He said bu Sobey's and Blockbuster etc. I was surprised I didn't notice it before, then I realized that I hadn't been up there in a while.
So on Friday, I left school and went home like usual, and we stopped. It wasn't in the Sobey's plaza, it was in the one with the Starbucks, and it was on the side of the two floor building. I went in and the first thing I noticed was that there wasn't much to it. There was like maybe 4 or 5 people and then there was paint everywhere and a Conservative thunderstick taped to the wall. I asked for a sign and they had me fill out a form, and then they tried to give me a lawn sign again. I luaghed and said "Uh, I meant a window sign". So then I got my window sign and then left. Then I went to Blockbuster while Chantal & Mom went to Sobeys. I got my game and then decided that I was really thirsty and wanted a pop. I wasn't sure if I had enough money for the game, and I didn't have ID so I was just going to buy the pop. I had to explain this repeadily to the guy and man was it annoying. Blockbuster people are so cold. (Oh wait, maybe it was the same guy both times).
Then, we went home! I for some reason really hate it when Mom makes us go somewhere before home but when I do it, I don't mind.
Anyway, nothing like ever happens because I'm on the computer. But, I did do something nice for Sean, he mentioned that he was wanting to check out the new Coldplay CD "X&Y", so I told him I would burn him a copy. It was a long process, but I got it done except for actually burning it because we don't have anymore CD's.
When I came back on Saturday, I was zapped and I brought my sign with me overnight. When I walked in, we had a long talk about politics. I felt like I was going to melt on the couch after watching "Beyond Dog River: Behind Corner Gas".
Then I went back home on Sunday to watch Survivor: Guatemala. I found this site called mininova. BEST SITE EVER! TV, Movies, Music, Games, Software, and more! All by torrent. I got the episode of The Amazing Race that I missed the last half of. We got Swiss Chalet too, but I thought we should have had it when the actual show was on. Anyway, we watched it, and me and Chantal were rooting Stephanie on, but I knew when the votes were 3-1 for Danni, that it was game over. Danni is a idiot though, they talked about how she knew that Gary was a NFL QB yet she never actually told anyone on the tribe. There was speculation, but never a full reveal. I must admit I laughed my butt off when they were at Tribal Council and Jeff asked about the rain, and they started talking about the chicken. The whole chicken scenario was hilarious. Especially when they were stammering to get it out and Jeff went "You ate the chicken". Duh! Okay, as for Survivor: Panama Exile Island or whatever it's called, NO WAY! No, no, and a million times over NO! Two seasons in Panama is enough!! I understand the point of using it in All Stars, but for a third time is ridiculous. For once, somwhere cold!
Live 8 DVD's:
They were only mentioned quickly before, but I thought I could extend it because I got rid of some of the older stuff. I got the big DVD after I had my wisdom teeth out. I was wanting something to do, and one night I mentioned it to Mom as I was falling asleep. So we went to Southcentre to see these Nightmere Before Christmas stuff, and then we went to HMV. The original idea was to get the Toronto one, but I only saw the 4 disc one. Mom I think wanted to get out of the mall ASAP, so she was like "Just grab it". So, I lucked out. The 4 disc DVD is massive. When you flip it over, it lists about 81 artists. I think I could be the stats guy. It's primary focus is on London and Philadelphia. I only got Tokyo in the extras. But to switch gears for a second, I found one of the missing two DVD's of Live 8. I saw Berlin at HMV in Southcentre. I've phoned a few stores, and I guess Candyce wasn't looking very hard.
As you can see, that last MPH banner screwed up a little. I really wanted to get one that had snapping fingers with it, but something went wrong.
We had a really low key day at school, because Christmas is on Sunday, and we get out @ 12:15 tmw. Yay, I guess. I did some printing today from Wiki, and I got; Virtual Magic Kingdom, MSN Messenger, Trillian, Boeing 787, Google Earth and Google Maps. I swore that I did more but that was it. NEW FEATURE OF BLOG: I'm going to just randomly insert a factoid from the articles I have. Well, it probably won't be very random, I think it will be after every paragraph.
So.. the first fact will be about Animal Crossing for GameCube: (Regarding the Happy Room Academy...) Each gyroid placed in the room will give you 825 points to your HRA score.
When I played Animal Crossing, I thought those things looked like cactuses. They were really stupid, cause you had to keep pushing A all the time. I never stood the whole HRA thing either. I got really low scores, but I had a golf bag at least, and a Mario star I got from the Nintendo website. :-D.
(Since I don't have much to write about, more facts! Maybe if I am really bored, one from each...)
Boeing 787: The 787 production line will be able to finish a aircraft in as little as three days, compared to 11 days for the 737. I thought the 737 would be way quicker, the 787 has 240 seats in two classes, and 296 in a high density coach conifguration. The 737 can't have more seats then that?
Flight Attendant: Some airlines, such as EVA Air, have height requirements for asthetic purposes.
Weren't we suppossed to stop thinking of flight attendants as objects? Hiring them for asthetic purposes defeats that. LOL...
Travel Agency: In the early era of model airplanes, airlines would have large plane models of their companies made and shipped to travel agencies; these plane models are also avalibile to the public; but they are among the highest prized airline collectables.
I don't think so, I think model planes in travel agencies sometimes are weird. Like at Wal-Mart, I saw a Virgin Blue and Ansett Australia one. (Well, not one... they weren't in a duel scheme).
Airbus A380: The A380 will only be able to hold 555 passengers if in a three class configuration, but the number jumps to 800 if you go single economy class configuration. Don't expect to see the 800 passenger configuration, the only airlines that have single classes are low fare carriers, and a low-fare airline buying a A380 is like shooting yourself in the foot.
LOL... Rain just phoned to tell me about his party. Actually, the phone call was mostly hijacked by Brian.C yelling in the background "That's hot". It is on the 4th but other then that, I know nothing. Well, I actually know alot, but nothing more on that topic. LOL.
Trillian (instant messenger): First, before actually starting, I installed this about a week ago, and with Mininova, I got Trillian Pro. It is really cool, you can get Yahoo!, MSN, AIM, and more all in one. I don't have ICQ, Jabber, IRC, but it accepts all of those. And with Pro, you can get Skype.
Actually, forget that. All I want for Christmas is... Tickets to see Melissa in concert. Or Hilary,but Melissa more.
I got tickets to... HILARY!!! Yay me! I love it! No sign of Melissa though. We went to Chinook yesterday (December 27). It was crazyness. Having lunch was a experience. I got yelled at by some Zellers lady for throwing a wrapper out from a gift card that I had taken for my collection. I hate Zellers, they are so rude, and they are just a ghetto Target. Seriously, look at it... Stuff by Duff is where? Zellers in Canada, Target in America. Same with Mossimo. I don't get it. Just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I'm stealing.
I got my MPH bracelet at Ten Thousand Villages, and i also bought a LiveSTRONG one for Aussie at Bulid-A-Bear and a blue one from Claire's that says "Hurricane Relief 2005" but that one is stupid because the letters can rub off.
Currently Wearing (in order as of 2:30ish December 29th): Hurricane Relief 2005, Strength, Anonymous, Faith, Courage, LiveSTRONG, Freedom, Make Poverty History, and then the milk one.
Freaking gardening guy on CBC. Oh, I must put my ferns in a saucer. (Yay, closed captioning saves the day). It's December, and you can't grow anything in December. Oh, but he has a greenhouse. *rolls eyes*.
Why the heck is Air Farce not on on New Year's Eve? That's something that has to happen. I went to IKEA last year though. It made me tired. LOL.
Christmas was cool, I got $20 at iTunes.
LOL... I was watching that thing CBC has on weekdays with some gardener. He's not the greatest.
Seacrest Out!!!
:P Haven't used that in a while...
Matthew Brosseau
Tony Hawk's amJAM Champion in THAW
Thanks for reading... I wasn't sure if I was the only one!! Will do.
Matthew, at 2:17 PM
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